Positive Coaching Training


Our coaches training brings together all of our coaches from across the country. During a week of training we focus on three main subjects- basketball, positive coaching and conflict resolution.

  • Basketball- the coaches have the opportunity to improve their basketball coaching skills. They also learn how our values appear on the court and in which drills they can use so the kids will understand the values, only using the game of basketball. 

  • Positive Coaching- the training the coaches are getting in our program give them the tools to work with kids and youth from different backgrounds and how to help them become the best version of themselves.  

  • Conflict resolution- this training gives our coaches the skills to deal with different issues, on and outside the court in peaceful ways and to pass it down to their players. 

Another main subject we discuss with our coaches during this week is how they can be a role model to our youth and how important it is that they will leave according to our values.